Client’s Tips On Shedding Pounds


Just recently I met with one of our clients – Teresa, who has lost 35 pounds in 13 pounds! I wanted to learn more about her method of shedding the weight to share it with you for inspiration! So here it is:

In the past, Teresa was in a good shape, as she stayed active by playing sports. Then life got in the way, her lifestyle changed and the pounds piled up. It became a struggle to get the weight off and over time it felt discouraging and overwhelming to lose it. Before she knew it, she had health challenges and needed to make a quick turn-around. Luckily, a few months ago she saw the DeliverLean truck in traffic and after doing her research, she called us. 13 weeks later, Teresa is 35 pounds lighter and has no plans on slowing down. Besides her weight-loss Teresa is loving the side effects of her new lifestyle – new-found energy, smaller clothing and the fact that her doctor has decreased some of her medicines!

Her tip on going out to eat: Learn from DeliverLean’s portions and use them as a guide to portion-control your own meals when you go out. Weigh to go, Teresa!

PS. Want to hear Teresa talk about it herself? Here is the interview she gave to Sebastian Rusk from Social Buzz TV!


Fitness is only half the battle, and it’s very easy to undo a great workout by eating the wrong foods. So when it comes to keeping the weight off, focus your attention on proper nutrition. A flat stomach is made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Here are 4 No Exercise Tips by one of our favorite fitness trainers, Alana Cole of They are great for keeping your weight off and  looking and feeling STRONG and HEALTHY!

Eat Every 3 hours: This may not sound like a way to lose weight but the truth is–it’s exactly how you lose weight. When you starve your body, you send it into “starvation mode,” and not knowing when your next meal will be, your body holds onto everything it has. Fat is necessary for brain and organ function, muscle is not, so your body begins to eat your muscle for fuel first, leaving the fat. Eat 3 healthy meals a day plus 2 small snacks to speed up your metabolism and prevent overeating.

Make Fruit and Veggies 50% of Your Plate: When it comes time to load up your dinner plate, make sure fruits and veggies take up the majority of the room. High fiber meals leave you feeling fuller longer and loaded with energy. Both are packed with vitamins and antioxidants to help you fight off infections, very helpful during cold and flu season.

Plan Your Meals: This is so important! I can’t stress enough the importance of planning your meals for the week. You are much more likely to hit the drive thru on your way home from work when you’re starving and have no clue what’s for dinner. Use the weekends to grocery shop and precook your food for the week. This way you know you have a nutritious meal waiting for you at home. Plus, by skipping the restaurants you’re saving your family hundreds of dollars.

Keep Track of your Rewards: A 1 minute meal can cost you an hour on the stairmaster! Ask yourself if it’s really worth it. If you want to eat a brownie that’s 300 calories go for it, but know it will cost you an hour of cardio to burn off. When you start to equate what you want to eat with having to work to burn it off you won’t eat nearly as much junk food.